The flag we carry out behind Ralphie this week will be a little more special.
— Colorado Buffaloes Football (@RunRalphieRun) November 10, 2018
Catch ESPN tomorrow for the full story!#GoBuffs || #VeteransDay2018
This week's featured INTERACTIVE AMERICAN FLAG, honoring the 1st of 4 GWOT fallen CU - ROTC alums, was given to the CU Football team to lead the team out behind Ralphie for this Saturday's (11/10) Military Appreciation Game
[See CU Football's Tweet about this event below]
CLICK HERE to experience this week's "Flag-o-Week" inside CU Champions Center
(or you can find it by Searching for "CU Football" within the "FLAG HONORS" section of the Flag Steward app)
If you want your own Interactive American Flag honoring 1 of 6,593 Fallen GWOT (Global War on Terror) soldiers; thereby helping us fulfill our nonprofit's mission to make Our Flag and its ceremonies more engaging and meaningful, then go to our new IAF listing on Amazon
Want to know today's flag status and other informative and inspiring tidbits?
Then, GO HERE for today's 'Reminders from Our Flag.'
Looking for this week's pre-Pledge Tribute?
CLICK HERE for the Pre-Pledge Tribute for the week of Nov 25 - Dec 1 recalling the courage of Rosa Parks
GO HERE for the Pre-Pledge Tribute for the week of Nov 18 - 24
As of March 1, 2018, Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Flag is now known as / being re-branded as Flag Steward
We expect the transition of the website and other marketing elements to Flag Steward to be completed by August 1st.
So, wherever you see Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Flag, think and say "Flag Steward" to yourself. ;)
Below is our old brand (Beacon of Honor) info ...
So, ...
... please, check-out our new service (Flag Steward) by visiting the pages under the "Awakens Our Flag" menu header =
App, Daily (Reminders from Our Flag), Pre-Pledge Tribute, and Flag-O-Week options
GO HERE to access the Flag Steward App install page
CLICK HERE to view today's Daily Reminders from Our Flag
GO HERE to examine / perform this week's Pre-Pledge Tribute
CLICK HERE to checkout this week's 'Flag-o-Week'
Our lead Beacon of Honor program is the Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Flag (BoH-AoF) service.
Strengthening Our Future by Honoring Our Past
This program is all about empowering students to bring Our Flag to digital life - relaying captivating stories woven into its fabric which make the Pledge / Anthem more meaningful & engaging, and overall, help build more informed, inspired, patriotic student-citizens.
GO HERE to learn about our project's BoH-AoF student-founders
The Beacon of Honor service is enabled by GivingVue - a nonpartisan, student-powered, Veteran-led, 501(c)(3) tax-deductible, nonprofit organization based in Colorado.
GO HERE to learn about our project's BoH-AoF student-founders
The Beacon of Honor service is enabled by GivingVue - a nonpartisan, student-powered, Veteran-led, 501(c)(3) tax-deductible, nonprofit organization based in Colorado.
Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Flag v2.0 is FINALLY LAUNCHING in January 2018. Please, help us build more values-driven student-citizens by supporting our Adopt-and-Awaken-Our-Flag at a School program. See the demo video to see how the service works.
Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Memorials
'Beacon of Honored'' memorials / monuments relay captivating stories about the honoree(s), via its mobile app, to citizens nearby. The 'Beacon of Honor - Awakens Our Memorials' service delivers a compilation of inspirational images, soundbites, videos, and other content about the honoree(s) at the location where citizens' curiosity can now be fulfilled.
Beacon of Honor -
... a Tech-driven, Civic-minded Project ...
Download the PlaceApp to fully experience how 'Beacon of Honor'
Awakens Our Flag, Memorials/Monuments, and other 'Places of Honor'.
Be informed and inspired as 'Beacon of Honor' relays enlightening ,captivating stories,
and other good citizenship content from a variety of engaging sources.
Awakens Our Flag, Memorials/Monuments, and other 'Places of Honor'.
Be informed and inspired as 'Beacon of Honor' relays enlightening ,captivating stories,
and other good citizenship content from a variety of engaging sources.
Click one of the buttons below to install the PlaceApp on your device.