[ Note: GO / CLICK HERE to experience the latest 'Be a Stud Citizen' - Reminders from Our Flag pages
and download a FREE, print-at-home version of the 'Be a Stud Citizen' - 2021 Interactive (US History & Civics) Calendar ]
Help our nonprofit deliver some inspiration, hope, and a bit of fun to America's pandemic-frustrated students, at home or school, via Flag Steward's informative, engaging, tech-driven calendar.
and download a FREE, print-at-home version of the 'Be a Stud Citizen' - 2021 Interactive (US History & Civics) Calendar ]
Help our nonprofit deliver some inspiration, hope, and a bit of fun to America's pandemic-frustrated students, at home or school, via Flag Steward's informative, engaging, tech-driven calendar.
[ Top of page / Calendar cover photo of student watching a #ColorfulColorado sunset while pandemic-isolated in April 2020 ]
[ BASC Calendar's February pages ]
[ BASC Calendar's February pages ]
The 'Be a Stud Citizen' - 2021 Interactive Calendar is an informative, inspirational calendar available to all Americans, but targeted to enlighten and galvanize our students. The calendar, powered by Flag Steward’s app and website, transports students from its print images to daily digital Reminders from Our Flag - including noteworthy historical events, by-state half-staff alerts for fallen patriots, thought-provoking quotes, some laughs, and a weekly, surprise message from a caring, highly-regarded American.
Watch the short (<2-minute) video below of this one-of-a-kind, edu-taining calendar in action!
Watch the short (<2-minute) video below of this one-of-a-kind, edu-taining calendar in action!
GIVE & GET: Support Flag Steward’s efforts to deliver motivation, affection, and direction to America's pandemic-frustrated students.
GIVE (Donate) to Flag Steward & GET (be gifted) the 'Be a Stud Citizen' - 2021 Interactive Calendar, one of the tools helping us fulfill our nonprofit's mission to ... Build Better (more Informed, Inspired, Respectful) Stud-ent Citizens.
This is a one-of-a-kind, interactive, edu-taining calendar that will captivate you, your relatives, and/or students you know all year long.
GIVE (Donate) to Flag Steward & GET (be gifted) the 'Be a Stud Citizen' - 2021 Interactive Calendar, one of the tools helping us fulfill our nonprofit's mission to ... Build Better (more Informed, Inspired, Respectful) Stud-ent Citizens.
This is a one-of-a-kind, interactive, edu-taining calendar that will captivate you, your relatives, and/or students you know all year long.