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Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Thursday, July 22, 2021
[ July 2020 pic from Popponesset Beach, Mashpee, MA by S Sweeney ]
Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Thursday, July 22, 2021
[ July 2020 pic from Popponesset Beach, Mashpee, MA by S Sweeney ]
Where is Our Flag, the U.S. Flag, at half-staff today?
[ CLICK HERE to see Half-Staff alert details, including pics of honorees ]
Today's Historical Moment from Our Flag
... recalls wartime rations (limited distribution of supplies) ...
... recalls wartime rations (limited distribution of supplies) ...
[ public domain image = citizens in line to get ration cards for shoes, gasoline, tires, etc. ]
On this date, July 22, in 1942, early in WWII, the US Government had to begin rationing (controlled distribution of resources and consumer goods) gasoline. Due to the demand for materials and resources to outfit our WWII troops, make the equipment they fought with, and keep the troops moving forward to victory, many other items were controlled by ration books including:
sugar, meat, cheese, butter, processed foods (canned, bottled, and frozen), dried fruits, canned milk, firewood and coal, jams, jellies, typewriters, tires, bicycles, shoes, silk, nylon, heating oil, and stoves.
sugar, meat, cheese, butter, processed foods (canned, bottled, and frozen), dried fruits, canned milk, firewood and coal, jams, jellies, typewriters, tires, bicycles, shoes, silk, nylon, heating oil, and stoves.
[ public domain image of rationing = "A" sticker in car window showed allotted amount of gas allowed per week - in this case only 3-4 gallons per week ]
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