Welcome to Flag Steward's 'Be a Stud Citizen'
Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Thursday, July 1, 2021
[ July 2020 pic from Popponesset Beach, Mashpee, MA by S Sweeney ]
National Postage Stamp Day
Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Thursday, July 1, 2021
[ July 2020 pic from Popponesset Beach, Mashpee, MA by S Sweeney ]
National Postage Stamp Day
Where is Our Flag, the U.S. Flag, at half-staff today?
[ CLICK HERE to see Half-Staff alert details, including pics of honorees ]
Today's Historical Moment from Our Flag
... celebrates National Postage Stamp Day ...
... celebrates National Postage Stamp Day ...
[ public domain image ]
On this date, July 1, in 1847, the first postage stamps were issued - a ten-cent stamp honoring George Washington and a five-cent stamp commemorating the first Postmaster General, Ben Franklin. Prior to this time, one would send mail for free (without postage payment) and the recipient would pay to get it and open it. Starting in 1855 postage stamps were required prior to mailing the letter or package. Now, the sender would pay ahead of time and show proof of that payment by affixing a postage stamp.
So, on this National Postage Stamp Day, do something you, especially if you're a kid, haven't donepbefore or in a long time. Hand-write a letter to a relative or friend and mail (US Postal Service snail mail;) it. This unexpected act will be treasured by whomever receives your letter. You'll really make their day!
So, on this National Postage Stamp Day, do something you, especially if you're a kid, haven't donepbefore or in a long time. Hand-write a letter to a relative or friend and mail (US Postal Service snail mail;) it. This unexpected act will be treasured by whomever receives your letter. You'll really make their day!
Today's Insightful Quote from Our Flag
... comes from our first Postmaster :) ...
"Energy and persistence
conquer all things."
- Ben Franklin
Founding Father and First U.S. Postmaster
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