Welcome to Flag Steward's 'Be a Stud Citizen'
Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Tuesday, May 25, 2021
[ Front porch US Flag, an iHonor, interactive flag relaying the story of a GWOT Fallen Marine via the Flag Steward iHonor site = S. Sweeney pic ]
Half-Staff Alerts & Reminders from Our Flag
(relaying Civics info & US History memos)
for Tuesday, May 25, 2021
[ Front porch US Flag, an iHonor, interactive flag relaying the story of a GWOT Fallen Marine via the Flag Steward iHonor site = S. Sweeney pic ]
Where is Our Flag, the U.S. Flag, at half-staff today?
[ CLICK HERE to see Half-Staff alert details, including pics of honorees ]
[ 3 Ways for You & Students to Experience today's 'Be a Stud Citizen - Reminders from Our Flag': ]
[ 1) KEEP SCROLLING down this page and read it to yourself or perform it aloud for your school / classroom. If reading the page to a classroom, skip any text in [ brackets ].
2) LISTEN to the <5 minutes PODCAST as you or your classroom follow along viewing the page on a device or classroom projection
or, 3) WATCH the <5 minutes VIDEO of today's Reminders from Our Flag, by yourself or with your classrooom on a projector/flatscreen ]
[ 1) KEEP SCROLLING down this page and read it to yourself or perform it aloud for your school / classroom. If reading the page to a classroom, skip any text in [ brackets ].
2) LISTEN to the <5 minutes PODCAST as you or your classroom follow along viewing the page on a device or classroom projection
or, 3) WATCH the <5 minutes VIDEO of today's Reminders from Our Flag, by yourself or with your classrooom on a projector/flatscreen ]
[ Note: Flag Steward's 'Be a Stud Citizen' podcasts are available on nearly all podcast platforms. ]
[ Note: If you can't access or play videos from YouTube in your school, then GO / CLICK HERE to watch today's stories from Our Flag on Loom. ]
Today's Historical Moment from Our Flag
... celebrates the start of the Constitutional Convention ...
... celebrates the start of the Constitutional Convention ...
[ US Selective Service "draftees" table = public domain image from Wikipedia ]
On this date, May 25, in 1787, the Constitutional Convention began to meet. This group of state representatives, who chose George Washington to serve as President of the Constitutional Convention, were initially planning to fix the Articles of Confederation, that were the first system of government for the United States. But, after much discussion and debate a whole new system of government was being pushed to approval. The most significant plans submitted for review were from James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. The biggest struggle to figure out the right system of government for America was to satisfy the desire of small states to maintain power in the face of bigger, more populated states. So, Connecticut proposed a compromise that mixed elements of the Madison and Hamilton plans. It established a system with 2 law-making bodies - one, the Senate, that had equal representation by all the states, and a second, the House of Representatives, that had representation based on the population of each state. It took nearly 4 months, until September, to reach an agreement on the new U.S. Constitution.
[ U.S. Constitution = public domain image ]
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- relaying the MOST ACCURATE and COMPLETE DAILY HALF-STAFF alerts, historical reminders, inspirational quotes & images, and iHonor American Flag fallen Patriot tributes
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