Half-Staff Alerts & Honorees for January 14
All Flags across NORTH CAROLINA (NC: until Jan. 19): NC's Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities to half-staff, immediately on Mon., Jan. 13, until sunset on Sun., Jan. 19, in honor of US Staff Sgt. Ian Paul McLaughlin of Virginia (right picture) and Pfc. Miguel Angel Villalon of Illinois, who lost their lives while conducting combat operations on Saturday in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Staff Sgt. McLaughlin and Pfc. Villalon were both paratroopers assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, NC. GO HERE to read the Flag order (it was only received by email as of 1135am EST = not posted to NC Flag Alerts page yet).
All Flags in Aurora, ILLINOIS (IL: until TBD): Aurora's Mayor, assumedly with the authority and approval of the Governor, ordered all Flags at city facilities in Aurora, IL to half-staff until sunset on the date of his interment (TBD), in memory of a courageous young hero, US Army PFC Miguel Villalon, who killed in action on Sat., Jan. 11, in Afghanistan. CLICK HERE to read about the Flag order.
All Flags across Lubbock County, TEXAS (TX: until Jan. 17): Lubbock County Judge Parrish, assumedly with the authority and approval of the Governor, ordered all Flags at county facilities in Lubbock County, TX to half-staff until sunset, on Fri., Jan. 17, to honor two first responders, Eric Hill of the Lubbock Fire Department and Officer Nicholas Reyna of the Lubbock Police Department, killed in the line of duty when struck by a vehicle on Saturday (Jan. 11). CLICK HERE to read about the Flag order.
Upcoming Half-Staffs
All Flags across Shelby & Jefferson counties on Wed., Jan. 15, honoring fire chief
All Flags across Shelby & Jefferson counties on Wed., Jan. 15, honoring fire chief
Today's Moment to Remember
... What is Ratification Day? ...
... What is Ratification Day? ...
OTD (On this date), January 14, in 1784, the Confederation Congress (working under the rules of the Acts of Confederation) ratified / approved the 1783 Treaty of Paris at the Maryland State House, which at the time was serving as the Colonial / United States' Capitol building. Per the Acts of Confederation, approval of the treaty by 9 of the 13 colonies / states was required for ratification. During this time, there was a harsh set of winter storms through which only 7 state delegates made it for the vote. After much debate about how to handle the ratification voting requirements, thankfully, at the last moment, delegates from Connecticut and South Carolina arrived. All 9 delegates in attendance voted unanimously to approve / ratify the Treaty of Paris of 1783 - thus officially ending the Revolutionar War between teh colonies and Great Britain. The United States of America were officially liberated and recognized as a sovereign / rightful, free country.
[ The Maryland State House, where the 1783 Treat of Paris was ratified. It served as our nation's capitol from Nov. 1783 to Aug. 1784 = wikipedia image ]
CLICK HERE to review this week's Pre-Pledge Tribute
Thanks for reviewing today's 'Reminders for Our Flag'
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
In God We Trust
(Official motto of the United States of America)