Today's Moment to Remember
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service
National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service
The National Fallen Firefighters Memorial was built in 1981 in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The 7-foot stone monument features a sculpted Maltese Cross, the traditional symbol of the fire service. An engraved plaque on the monument bears a message from President Ronald W. Reagan, who was in office at the time of this memorial's dedication. At the base of the monument an eternal flame symbolizes the spirit of all firefighters — past, present and future. Plaques encircling the monument list the names of the men and women of the fire service who have died in service to their communities since 1981. Whenever a firefighter dies in the line-of-duty, fire officials post a notice of the death at the monument and lower flags at the site to half-staff.
Each year, on the first Sunday in October, America honors its fallen fire heroes during a National Memorial Service at the monument site. The ceremony includes the placing of a Presidential Wreath at the monument and dedication of a plaque honoring those who died in the line-of-duty during the previous year. This year, there are 119 Fallen Firefighters being honored - 92 from this year and 27 from previous years.
CLICK HERE and go to the bottom of this page to see a picture of the names engraved on each plaque
The National Fallen Firefighters Memorial was built in 1981 in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The 7-foot stone monument features a sculpted Maltese Cross, the traditional symbol of the fire service. An engraved plaque on the monument bears a message from President Ronald W. Reagan, who was in office at the time of this memorial's dedication. At the base of the monument an eternal flame symbolizes the spirit of all firefighters — past, present and future. Plaques encircling the monument list the names of the men and women of the fire service who have died in service to their communities since 1981. Whenever a firefighter dies in the line-of-duty, fire officials post a notice of the death at the monument and lower flags at the site to half-staff.
Each year, on the first Sunday in October, America honors its fallen fire heroes during a National Memorial Service at the monument site. The ceremony includes the placing of a Presidential Wreath at the monument and dedication of a plaque honoring those who died in the line-of-duty during the previous year. This year, there are 119 Fallen Firefighters being honored - 92 from this year and 27 from previous years.
CLICK HERE and go to the bottom of this page to see a picture of the names engraved on each plaque
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- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
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