Half-Staff Alerts for September 23
Half-Staff Alerts for September 23
The U.S. Flag is FULL STAFF across 48 of the 50 states
In SOUTH CAROLINA, all Flags atop the State Capitol building are half-staff
And, there is a local half-staff in Greenbrier, TN, for a GWOT Fallen soldier
GO HERE to read about today's half-staffs and their honorees
Upcoming Half-Staff Alerts
The U.S. Flag is FULL STAFF across 48 of the 50 states
In SOUTH CAROLINA, all Flags atop the State Capitol building are half-staff
And, there is a local half-staff in Greenbrier, TN, for a GWOT Fallen soldier
GO HERE to read about today's half-staffs and their honorees
Upcoming Half-Staff Alerts
[ Note: Flag Steward proves it is the most accurate and complete listing of half-staff (National, State, & Local) again: Flags Express, Colonial Flag app, and Legacy are all missing the SC Governor state ordered half-staff. Only Flag Notify has that half-staff oder, but along with all the others is missing the local half-staff in TN for our latest GWOT Fallen Soldier ]
Today's Moment to Remember
[ General Benedict Arnold = public domain image ]
On this date, September 23, in 1780, American soldiers captured British Major John Andre. On him were found plans to easily overtake West Point, the Continental Army's best fort and defense along the Hudson River. The fort attack plans were given to John Andre by another another spy and traitor serving in the Continental Army - General Benedict Arnold - a trusted officer who became "America's most well-known traitor (spy / double-crosser / back-stabber)." After being uncovered for his treason, then Major (2-star) General of the Continental Army, Benedict Arnold, fled and became a Brigadier (1-star) General for the British.
Slice of Americana
Near this date, on September 21, in 2001, a benefit concert, called "America: A Tribute to Heroes," was put on and aired on all the major broadcast and cable networks commercial free. In the video below, see the stirring introductory speech by Clint Eastwood and opening song with lots of famous artists (music, TV, & movie stars) who all came together to show the world "United We Stand" - standing up against terrorism.
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Have a better Flag Steward experience by Installing the Flag Steward App
- relaying the MOST ACCURATE and COMPLETE DAILY HALF-STAFF alerts, historical reminders, inspirational quotes & images, and iHonor American Flag fallen Patriot tributes
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Thanks for reviewing today's 'Reminders for Our Flag'
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
In God We Trust
(Official motto of the United States of America)