Reminders from Our Flag
for Monday, June 25, 2018
... a Military Monday ...
[ GO HERE to perform this week's Pre-Pledge Tribute at any time you like. But, ... we recommend you designate each Friday as #FlagDayFriday
- a day to take 2 minutes to perform a pre-Pledge Tribute, which will make Pledge of Allegiance more engaging and meaningful. ]
for Monday, June 25, 2018
... a Military Monday ...
[ GO HERE to perform this week's Pre-Pledge Tribute at any time you like. But, ... we recommend you designate each Friday as #FlagDayFriday
- a day to take 2 minutes to perform a pre-Pledge Tribute, which will make Pledge of Allegiance more engaging and meaningful. ]
Today's Flag Status
Our Flag flies at full staff across the USA ...
... including one of my favorite spots - Mashpee (Cape Cod), MA
Our Flag flies at full staff across the USA ...
... including one of my favorite spots - Mashpee (Cape Cod), MA
Flag Steward - Honors and Awakens Our Flag to Inform and Inspire Citizens
... with another story about how bravely America responds WHEN FREEDOM CALLS ...
... with another story about how bravely America responds WHEN FREEDOM CALLS ...
[ Clockwise from top: U.S. Marines marching at the Battle of the Chosin Resevoir, U.S. and U.N. landing at Incheon, Korean refugees in front of an American M-26 tank, U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Baldomero Lopez, landing at Incheon, and an American F-86 Sabre fighter jet. = public domain images in collage via Wikipedia ]
On this date, June 25th, of 1950, the Korean War began when the North Korean Army invaded South Korea. Two days later, President Truman, fearing what many called the "Domino Theory," (the country-by-country spread of communism) declared America's entrance in to the war. The war, which actively lasted just over 3 years, was led in South Korea by American forces against communist North Korea. Heroic American military actions resulted in more than 37,000 U.S. deaths and more than 4.700 Missing In Action. We honor and thank our Korean War Veterans for the sacrifices they made in the name of FREEDOM - fighting to liberate others.
And strangely, now, there's talk about North Korea and South Korea finally working towards officially ending the war.
Watch the video below to learn more about the origin and happenings during the Korean War.
And, GO HERE to experience the stories of some of that war's greatest American military heroes - Medal of Honor recipients
Military Monday's Motivating Quote:
"This was no retreat. We found more Chinese behind us than in front of us, so we about-faced and attacked."
-Colonel Lewis "Chesty" Puller, USMC, stated this after the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in December of 1950.
Thanks for reviewing today's 'Reminders for Our Flag'
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
In God We Trust
(Official motto of the United States of America)