Reminders from Our Flag
for Saturday, December 28, 2019
for Saturday, December 28, 2019
Half-Staff Alerts & Honorees for December 21
All Flags across Lake and Tipton County, INDIANA (IN: on Dec. 21): Indiana Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities in Lake and Tipton County to half-staff, from sunrise to sunset, on Sat., Dec. 21, to honor to honor former Gary Mayor Richard Hatcher (pictured on left) and Tipton Mayor Don Havens. CLICK HERE to read article about the Flag order.
All Flags atop Pinellas County Courthouse, City Hall of St. Petersburg, and State Capitol building in Tallahassee, FLORIDA (FL: on Dec. 20): Florida Governor ordered all Flags atop state facilities listed above to half-staff, from sunrise to sunset, on Sat., Dec. 21, to honor United States Navy Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, who was killed during the recent NAS Pensacola terror shooting. GO HERE to read the Flag order.
All City Flags across Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA (CA: Dec. 18 - Jan. 7): Los Angeles Mayor ordered all City Flags across Los Angeles to half-staff, immediately on Wed., Dec. 18 to sunset on Tue., Jan. 7, in honor of Former First Assistant Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, Earl Paysinger. CLICK HERE to read the Flag order. And, GO HERE to learn more about his and his law enforcement career.
All Flags in Greenwich, Connecticut (CT: until Dec. 23): CO South Metro District Fire stations, assumedly with approval and authority of the Governor, have all Flags aGreenwich Mayor, assumedly with approval and authority of the Governor ordered all town Flag to half-staff, on Tue., Dec. 17, until sunset on Mon., Dec. 23, the date of his interment, in honor of Greenwich Police Officer Justin Quagliani. GO HERE to read about this Flag event.
Upcoming Half-Staffs
All Flags across AL on 12/22
All Flags across NJ on 12/23
All Flags across WV on 12/23
All Flags across NJ on 12/23
All Flags across WV on 12/23
FINALLY! - State-targeted Half-Staff Alerts:
CLICK HERE to sign-up for National and State-targeted Half-Staff Flag Alert Text Notifications
(Many prefer this text alert service because within the Flag Steward app, we can only deliver state-targeted half-staff notifications if you are located in the state and always share your location with the app.)
This is a FREE service powered by Flag Steward's nonprofit
CLICK HERE to sign-up for National and State-targeted Half-Staff Flag Alert Text Notifications
(Many prefer this text alert service because within the Flag Steward app, we can only deliver state-targeted half-staff notifications if you are located in the state and always share your location with the app.)
This is a FREE service powered by Flag Steward's nonprofit
Today's Moment to Remember
... Our daily historical review will return after this holiday week, on Jan. 2nd ...
... Our daily historical review will return after this holiday week, on Jan. 2nd ...
Thanks for reviewing today's 'Reminders for Our Flag'
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
In God We Trust
(Official motto of the United States of America)