[ Early fall, October 25th, snowall at Flag Steward HQ ]
Reminders from Our Flag
for Wednesday, December 18, 2019
for Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Half-Staff Alerts & Honorees for December 18
All Flags across IOWA (IA: Dec. 18 - 20): Iowa Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities across Iowa to half-staff, immediately on Wed., Dec. 18 to sunset Fri., Dec. 20, in honor of former University of Iowa Coach Hayden Fry. CLICK HERE to read the Flag order.
All Flags atop Santa Rosa County Courthouse, City Hall of Gulf Breeze, and State Capitol building in Tallahassee, FLORIDA (FL: on Dec. 18): Florida Governor ordered all Flags atop state facilities listed above to half-staff, from sunrise to sunset, on Wed., Dec. 18, to honor former state legislator John Broxson. GO HERE to read the Flag order.
All Flags across Seymour and Jackson counties, INDIANA (IN: on Dec. 18): Indiana Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities in Seymour and Jackson counties to half-staff, from sunrise to sunset, on Wed., Dec. 18, the date of his interment, to honor former Seymour Mayor John Steele Burkhart. CLICK HERE to read the Flag order.
All Flags in Greenwich, Connecticut (CT: until TBD): CO South Metro District Fire stations, assumedly with approval and authority of the Governor, have all Flags aGreenwich Mayor, assumedly with approval and authority of the Governor ordered all town Flag to half-staff, on Tue., Dec. 17, until sunset on the date of his interment (TBD), in honor of Greenwich Police Officer Justin Quagliani. GO HERE to read about this Flag event.
All Flags across WISCONSIN (WI: Dec. 18 - 19): WI Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities across Wisconsin to half-staff, from sunrise on Wed., Dec. 18 to sunset Thu., Dec. 19, in honor of former Oneida Nation Chairman Rick Hill. CLICK HERE to read the Flag order.
All Flags across South Metro Fire-Rescue District Stations in Colorado (CO: until TBD): CO South Metro District Fire stations, assumedly with approval and authority of the Governor, have all Flags at half-staff, from Mon., Dec. 16, to sunset on the date of his interment (TBD), in honor of former Assistant Chief of Operations Troy Jackson, whose line of duty death was from adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare job-related cancer. GO HERE to read about this Flag event.
All Flags across NEW JERSEY (NJ: Dec. 13 - 20): NJ Governor ordered all Flags at state facilities across New Jersey to half-staff, from sunrise on Fri., Dec. 13 to sunset Fri., Dec. 20, in recognition of the victims of the hate crime in Jersey City: Detective Joseph Seals, Moshe Deutsch, Linda Minda Ferencz, and Douglas Miguel Rodriguez. CLICK HERE to read the Flag order.
ALL Flags in City of Nassau Bay, Texas (TX: on Dec. 11 - 18): TX Governor ordered ALL (US, State, & City) Flags in the City of Nassau Bay to half-staff, immediately on Dec. 11 to sunset on Wed., Dec. 18, the date of her interment, in honor of the life and public service of Nassau Bay Police Sergeant Kaila Sullivan, who was killed in the line of duty this weekend while responding to a call. GO HERE to read about her date of interment.
Upcoming Half-Staffs
All Flags across AL on 12/22
Today's Moment to Remember
... the end of slavery in America ...
... the end of slavery in America ...
[ On Jan., 31, 1865, The U.S. House of Representatives celebrates passage of the 13th Amendment = public domain image ]
On this date, December 18, in 1865, U.S. Secretary of State, William Seward, proclaimed adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment, banning slavery throughout the United States of America and its territories. This amendment was the first of what many call the three "Reconstruction Amendments" - putting America back together after the horrific Civil War. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution, considered the "Reconstruction Amendments," ended slavery (13), outlined citizenship rights and justice for all persons (14), and gave voting rights to former slaves (15) respectively.
CLICK HERE to review and practice this week's Pre-Pledge Tribute about the Wright brothers feat for #FlagDayFriday
Thanks for reviewing today's 'Reminders for Our Flag'
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
- a service from the Flag Steward program
Now go 'Be a stud citizen' today by ...
... picking up and disposing of 2 pieces of trash that will help
keep America beautiful !!!
In God We Trust
(Official motto of the United States of America)